Sunday 8 February 2015

Are You Serious?

So was checking Twitter and came across Angry Joe ticked off at Fox with a link to a clip. Checked it out. The title said it all really:

If Men See Frozen It Will Destroy Them 

Are you serious? Is this some kind of joke?

Having watched the video, I can honestly say it's just guys bitching about nothing. The idea that most villains these days are usually men is bad? Was this movie targeted because it's main cast were females, cause I don't see how Frozen should be targeted when most shows and movies have many male villains. Why Frozen of all things? Why not Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Spider-man or any movie about male heroes? They have male villains and this topic was never raised before.

Worse, they try to use this flawed idea and try to turn it into social commentary. You want some real world statistics, then here you go: Men are evil. I'm not say all men are, that's just bloody stupid, but look throughout history, look at who runs many of the big bad corporate companies, look at who are mostly commit acts of child abuse and domestic violence. Not to say there aren't evil women, hell the first one that pops to mind for me is Gena Rinehart.

This whole attack on Frozen is just a chance for single minded men to jump up and down and scream how feminists are destroying the masculinity of men. Good lord that just sounds so stupid, more so since feminism is basically wanting equal rights (and pay) for women. There is nothing wrong with that and I fully support it. They don't want to tell men how they should live, they just want equal rights and of course there are extremists who take things too far. Even feminists stand against such extremists, but it never helps when what follows are the floods of misogynistic comments. I had hoped we could have evolved as a species, to advance our societies to better understand and except equality, but clearly people on the net still wish to live as if this were 200BC.

Now one might wonder why I'm giving such shite any such acknowledgement for it's incompetence? Yeah, not sure either. Thing is I get upset by such mind-blowing stupidity that it frustrates me to no end and I need to get it off my chest. Besides, some of favourite villains in animated fiction are male: Gaston, Dr. Drakken, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Dr. Robotnik, The Shredder and the greatest villain of them all: Dick Dastardly. In short, there little clip is just pointless. It's a waste of time, an unnecessary act and never brought up any point other then it's another show with female protagonists that has male fans who liked it and we don't like it cause they liked it and that it's destroying the male why of life despite the fact it's not. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Side note: Dick Dastardly will always be the greatest villain of all time.

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