Sunday 15 February 2015

Project Update 15/02/15

So, this one is an update to the one below, but this one is about the next set of miniatures to paint. These are the following:

+Helstorm Rocket Battery (Really beginning to hate painting Empire troops)
+Mousling Barman and Barmaid
+Ork Painboy (getting motivated to finish him is hard)
+Mordheim Eshin Sorcerer
+Mordheim Eshin Rat Ogre (just a touch up, can't remember the original colours used on him and am not risking a paint over)

Again, this is just a planned list. I've tried pushing myself to get things done, but it's had a negative effect on me. If I can get a few miniatures here or there that I can paint up just for fun, then I probably will (I do have a box of Tzeentch's Horrors, maybe I'll just go nuts and do some wacky colours with them instead of the usual Pink Horror scheme).

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