Friday 6 February 2015

Vermintide - The Game

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OK, so it's not the game in which you get to play as Skaven. Still, that means my four member Skaven crew sent on dangerous missions idea can still be used in the future.

So what is this game? It's a planned 4-player co-op game in which you can pick one of five heroes (I can see at least a Witch Hunter, Bright Wizard, a Dwarf and what appears to be a human holding a ranged weapon with the last looking like a ghoul? possibly a sewer bum or rouge?) fighting to save a city during the current End Times as the Skaven attack to seize it.

The graphics are takeing the miniatures and altered some of their looks (I'm not too sure if that Rat Ogre is any good or not), and the visuals aren't as dark as the Mordheim game. The teaser trailer is nice and the few screen shots look like a first person melee focused game. I suspect some will have ranged weapons, but they'll mostly be limited. If I play, I'll probably be the Witch Hunter or possibly the wizard (would have preferred a Celestial Wizard, but that outline screams Bright, which does make more sense I guess).

Still annoyed it's a versing Skaven game instead of playing Skaven.

Agreed. Another game about fight-kill the true rulers of the world, can't you man-things just accept the truth. What does it take to create-make game that shows what true great-noble saviours we are. Kill-Kill Skaven? Bah! The Nightlord shall hear of this indignity and shall have many-much things to say-speak about this.
~Grey Seer Skratchnsniff

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