Sunday 16 August 2015

Bases Update

So yeah, getting base pics hasn't been easy, not to mention that images in Photoshop seem different to when I view them in an image viewing program. Still, this one was the best I could get:
So these are the Gremlin bases that I did using the 2-part Epoxy. They do look a little turquoise in colour, despite using green ink. I believe that this was cause my first coloured batch was too dark, yet this batch had too little ink per the epoxy amount. The only problem with this is that any future bases that get made with epoxy have to be the same colour and trying to get it like that will no doubt prove difficult. Also, this picture was take after removing the plastic, but removing the excess Blu-tac, giving it a clean and adding a layer of GW water effects just to give it that look.

This one was my test base for creating a Victorian era style base for Jakob Lynch's crew. Made using green stuff, the stones were shaped using a hobby knife and textured with a rock. Coloured with the grey/brown colour and added a thin wash of brown or flesh on a few stones to add a bit of colour. I'm liking it so far and my next step will be to do one with a two level effect. Hopefully will work on that one this week.

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