Thursday 13 August 2015

It's soon...I promise

Yeah, haven't had much luck with the updates. Turns out things in my life just seem to be getting worse and it's hard to maintain control in times like this. Luckily, there is always some positives if you know where to look.

First up, getting closer to completing some of the Gremlins (and the two Convict Gunslingers). Not having much luck on the Viktoria's crew, put that's probably because I'm not good at painting female characters (Games Workshop didn't have much of a variety to paint with that where humans). I picked up some Guild Guard cheap from a local store while trying to find any local gaming groups (not having much luck there) and will start designing their bases soon (looking at Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic cracked earth bases tutorial as an option), but also got the Jakob Lynch crew too. As such, in between painting, I have begun work on a test base for a more Victorian era style base and hopefully I should have it finished by tomorrow. As luck would also have it, I've been trying to plan some scenery for a gaming board to play the games on and wouldn't you know it, I had such a piece. Turns out I had a house/chapel of Sigmar that I got cheap off eBay a year or two back that was planned for an Armies on Parade board for my Empire, which fell through soon after I got it. It's missing a piece and it didn't fit very well together, but I can work with it. Hopefully get some more ideas for that soon.

Speaking of miniatures, while looking for some painting articles, I stumbled upon a studio called Micro Art Studios and to my amazement, they make Discworld miniatures. So I did the most obvious thing, ordered myself Rincewind and the Luggage. It's expensive with the conversion rate, but I couldn't help myself, I just love the Discworld series and this was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Details show my GenCon order has now left and should have it in the next week or two. As for my August pre-orders, not sure when Wyrd shipped their products to external outlets so I'm still waiting on that one too. Guess this just encourages me to get those Gremlins finished. Should get some shots of those bases up by the weekend with any luck (just need to get the shots done and edited).

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