Friday 14 August 2015

The Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire

So I have just finished watching the last video of The Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire by SF Debris and it was a very interesting look at the events surrounding the collapse of the comic book industry. Comics are a visual media, a for of art and this story is what happens when corporate greed and inflated egos try to rule such an industry. It's about poor business decisions and a complete lack of respect for their customers. Strangely enough, while watching it all I could think of was a few other companies that are making the same decisions today and how long will it take before history repeats itself, just with another industry.

It's an amazing look at the events that contributed to the crash and the aftermath that lead the comics industry to it's current form, one that may yet collapse again if those companies don't do something to secure it in the long future.

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