Monday 26 August 2019

Creating a Burrows & Badgers Warband: Part 2 - Painting and Expanding the Crew

So the last time I was still fleshing out ideas in Part 1, but now I have expanded further with the models. Converted and painted up, the crew has been put together and the characters own lore advanced. Photos are still of mixed quality, they are still look close to what they actually look like.

So the crew from first to last is:

- Brianna
Warband leader and tank.

- Ghost
Second in command and stealth runner (despite being an Albino Squirrel).

- Ginnette
Brianna's sister and crew alchemist.

- Miranda
Main spellcaster of the Warband.

- Gurumarra
Crew support and objective runner.

- Emrick
Stealth archer.

As a campaign goes on, so does a Warband expand and new members join to help in the Warband's ever growing story. As the crew hails from a tiny hidden village right next to a riverbank, I wanted more animals that are more related to such locations.

These beasts are the new recruits for my crew. From first to last we have:

- Marcello
Master ranger of the local forests, Marcello joins up to deal more effectively with the beasts that threaten his land. Marcello would help entice other Otters to the village and to help support the local defenses.

- Barnard
An ex-knight who became disillusioned with his fellow Knights and so took his family far from away to a more peaceful life. However, his former comrades did not approve of this and went to hunt him down. With the aid of the Riverbank Warband's help, they were sent packing, but knowing they'd be back, Barnard joined up to help secure their homes from any future intrusions.

- Conner
The first bird to join the Warband, Conner is an upbeat Kingfisher bird who is your average defender who offers the Warband a fast paced response fighter who can support his fellow beasts with his speed as a warrior. He also loves to whistle.

So yeah, the crew has expanded visually. I might also eventually add Bartholomew as a Bat Assassin as he is the partner of Miranda, but given he has a more political and strategical role in the village, he might work well as a sort of NPC/objective character for special narrative missions. The next part will look more into expanding the characters lore wise and finalize the crew setup. Hopefully that should be done within the next month or so, so keep an eye out for that soon (I know this one is rather short compared to part 1, but I'll try to make it up in part 3).

 A Slightly better shot of Ghost and his Hooked hand

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