Friday 9 August 2019

Researching While Down

So yeah, it can be very difficult to get things done, but my support workers are positive towards my ideas for a video show using puppets. Now that's all fine and well to talk about, but until you have things like a puppet in your hands, it can be depressing to keep going on a path where there seems to be no outcome other then failure.

As such, I tend to find myself just stuck in bed just watching Youtube vids on the T.V in my room, so I decided to really use that time to find videos on making puppets and boy there are some good ones. I admit that I have no real skill in that area and while I want to produce a group of advanced puppets, it might be best if I start off small and look at making more complex versions further down the path.

One such channel I found was an individual named Adam Kreutinger, who has some great videos on puppet making. While these are average puppet designs, they are a good starting point for me to begin working on. I must admit, I'm the kind of person who tends to need specific instructions when working on many things (either because I'm afraid to fail, I tend to forget or I'm just plain stupid) and I'm also a perfectionist who wants things to be perfect the first time around, so this is a very intimidating project to go into. More so cause the puppet designs are for anthropomorphic engineer rats (one good, one evil), a steampunk engineer mouse, a sugar-glider possum pilot along with various robot and alien creatures (with possible inclusions of others like my Bat characters or even Storm Spear/Corrupticus). I feel a character like Zargooran would be better served as a 3D model integrated into a scene via VFX, though perhaps a sort of Eye Pod/Growth on a wall could be a starter until that sort of advancement is made.

Ship wise I'm still stuck, though an Adam Savage video I saw of him making such things has given me hope that I can still do that (making 3D models and animations was one of my weaker aspects of my VFX course, though that was mostly in making more organic movement I guess). I'm a little mixed up now that so much has begun going through my head as I write this so I think it's best to leave it here and update this project later.

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