Monday 5 August 2019

Up-coming Stuff

So I'm really trying to make an effort to get back into this whole writing thing again (cause as the last year has shown, my mental health makes it rather difficult to keep updates regular). As such, I have decided to focus on a few things I'd like to post over the next few months and hope I can at least do that. So here they are:

+ Malifaux 3rd Ed Rulebook Review. May hold off on for a bit until I get a chance to get some gaming experience or review some battle reports to see how the new rules really work.
+ My Life with Mental Illness (a post by post section where I just write about my experiences and thoughts in order to both help myself and to help others without it to better understand what it's like living with it).
+ Animated Reflections: Footrot Flats.
+ At least one Warhammer novel review (and this one is purely for the gag I last left off with)
+ Uploads of photographs of projects I've done and am working on (including the last part of that Burrows and Badgers Warband section).
+ GW in-store painting competition. I withdrew due to my mental health issues

I think this is a good start, just hope I'm not digging myself too deep with this lot. Can be hard sometimes, so with luck I'll get all these done over the next few months (I really want to get most done over the next few weeks, but I'm giving myself a few months due to the unpredictable nature of my mental health).

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