Saturday 21 April 2012

Supanova Gold Coast 2012

Well the day is over and the mission completed. Certainly I found this much better then last years one, though standing in the sun for over an hour as we lined up to get inside wasn't the most thrilling experience.

Crowds were big and the convention center packed, so movement was more like a waddle then a walk. Didn't find much for myself, but my Bro did purchase himself an Assassin's Blade. Costumes were a plenty, but since I'm not a big Anime fan trying to guess who they were wasn't working out for me. Still, they did have it all (Mostly).
Plenty of Star Wars.  That alien-wolf head with moving mouth was sweet. Plenty of Stormtroopers walking around raising money for a children's charity.
The Borg....
Knights who say Ni???
Here was something I thought I'd never see. If you saw the previous entry, I found that vid about a month back. Never did I think I'd run into a couple of martians and yet there they were. Yep yep yep yep...

Most costumes consisted of Soldier's (probably because or the MW/CoD games out there), Assassin's (Assassin Creed series) and Star Wars troopers n jedi.....So it's surprising nobody got killed. The only gripes I had was that still the location was too small for all that was compacted in and that still Queensland has little in the way of stores compared to those of New South Wales and Victoria. Still, they have until around November to come up with improvements for Supanova Brisbane 2012.

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