Monday 30 April 2012

Army Challenge Part 1

As was stated earlier in this blog.....can't remember where but it is there.....I was challenged by my brother to produce an allied army. This lead to both of us producing a 500pt force as an allied faction to each others mains. Since I was Skaven, I decided to do Empire (Cause I love a Celestial Wizard theme force). My Bro on the other hand was High Elves, so he decided to do Chaos Daemons.....or more specifically, Khorne. Now things have grown with a few changes. We decided to go from 500pts to 750pts as it would allow my Bro to use Skulltaker and would let me add a Celestial Hurricanum to my force (will put up the list soon).

So, here's whats been completed so far:

Great Cannon:
This was the first unit I painted and though some of the parts were damaged when I opened the box, it still went together well enough. The first thing that stands out is their clothing. I wanted this army to be a sort of local militia for their ruling lord, a Celestial Wizard Lord, and so chose colours that suited that scheme yet stood out in the same way all Empire uniforms do.....lousy (The sons of Sigmar never did have fashion sense). Hawk Turquoise and Hormagaunt Purple were the founding colours with Blue wash to connect them. Vests were givin a Brown/Orange mix to contrast the blend. With the new paints, I plan to use Temple Guard Blue and Genestealer Purple as highlights and see if a Blue wash and/or a Blue Glaze is better. Will test these out when I paint up the Halberdier unit.

These guys were so annoying to paint. Seriously, give me a Skaven horde anyday. I'm still not sure about the hats and feathers, but I am pleased about the bases. The bases themselves consist of cork tile shredded into smaller bits and placed on to look like a rocky ledge with sand flock to fill in the gaps. Snow was simply Bi-Carb soda mixed with PVA glue and dabbed on in spots with snow flock put over in. A few patches of grass flock gives it that final touch.


Monkey or Chameleon???

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