Wednesday 9 May 2012

Army Challenge List

So here is my 750pt list for the Army Challenge:

HeroesBattle Wizard – 100pts
               -Level 2 Wizard

           - Witch Hunter – 75pts
               - Gambler’s Armour, Dragonbane Gem

CoreSwordsmen (19) – 163pts
           - Full Command
               -Detachment: Halberdiers (10) – 60pts
          -Handgunners (10) – 100pts

SpecialGreat Cannon – 120pts

RareCelestial Hurricanum – 130pts

                               Total – 748pts

So, there are probably a few questions to ask when looking at this list. The first is probably how the hell is this list going to survive a full Khorne Deamon list? and Why is there a Witch Hunter in a magic army?

I like Witch Hunters too. Mathius Thulmann is one of my favorite Warhammer characters (well, non-Skaven ones atleast). I tooled my Hunter up enough in hopes he might stand a chance. Particularly since Skulltakers attacks a flaming, the Dragonbane Gem should help my Hunter (along with his own rules) deal with that terror.....the other option is just to give him a 6+ Ward save vs the other deamons. Note that the ward save talisman and the ward vs flaming attacks help cost the same points. If anyone has any good ideas for replacing the Gambler's Armour (item must be the same points cost), then please suggest it as it seems I may need every bit of help against the legions of Khorne.

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