Monday 21 May 2012

Chaos Fulcrum Update 1

Grrrr.....been up since 2am this morning with lower jaw pains...good thing I see the dentist this arvo to have a tooth remove. Since I had nothing better to do with my time (besides being in immense PAIN!!), I decided to do more painting and of course, work on the Fulcrum.

I had already produced the tower shape out of an empty Berroca case wrapped in foil and clay (both Air Dry and Fimo Clay) and since it had dried (both in oven and overnight), decided to start adding some of the detail. The flat base was a movement tray that the pillar was glued on to.
As you can see, only the rocky base and the eyes are done. The 'circles' are where the mouths will be and as yet I still have not added the tentacles/veins in. I may start on them tonight, but that all depends on  how the dentist appointment goes. If not, tomorrow.
Yes, I realize that the top looks like crap.I might try and alter it before I do the undercoating stage, which I should get to around Wednesday or Thursday.

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