Wednesday 23 May 2012

Storm Spear

So, it's obvious by now that I am a Brony, so it's even less surprising that I have made various OC's (original characters) for my own stories. Using the designer, I was able to make a base form for my main OC.
I present Storm Spear (minus cutie mark, scar and various clothing items - I imagine a hat and trench coat). Since I suck at drawing, I still wanted to bring this character to life. Once again I turned to the miniatures for help. The Storm of Magic rules for a Royal Unicorn meant I could not only paint a model to represent him in the Warhammer game, but that I could use him as a Scroll of Binding for my Warhammer Empire Army.
The freehand cutie mark (why do they call it that, I mean, surely the Stallions would prefer to call it a Branding or something) was a real pain as lighting is bad and I still wasn't a hundred percent sure on the colour scheme of it. Also note the base, as their is no real rules on 'Monstrous Beast' sizing, I consulted my local Games-Workshop store and we agreed that the 40mm base size would do for now (as he only came with a cavalry base). I imagine the image of this guy on the cliff edge in a raging storm, lightning flashing all around with some striking his horn, infusing him with power (ssimilar to the way the Shaggoths do I guess).
The scar was another focus I wanted to add and I think it actually turned out good, despite what these cruddy photos show. I also had hoped to add his glowing sprite companion (named Sparky), but after several failed attempts to create such a thing I gave up. Perhaps I'll add him later once I find a way to create such a thing.

There is also a Pegasus OC I also want to make, but considering the evil look and all the extras, that is one I'll have to do some serious converting. As for other Storm of Magic beasts to add to my Empire force, I do plan on taking a Rhinox model and do some slight converting to it and add it as a bit of punch to the army (where as Stormspear is more of a support roll). Perhaps I should look into an Amber Wizard to buff these guys.....

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