Monday 28 May 2012

Of Monsters and Magic

So the battle day on Saturday has been and gone and only now have I had the time to put up the results.

So, it was a multi-way battle with each starting player having one wizard, one fulcrum and two monsters. As the game progressed two other wizards joined the battle but they didn't last long.
Vordicon on his terrorifying Fulcrum, along with Shaggoth (the stores) and Slannesh spawn (one of my classinc miniatures).

My Brother Kris' force of High Elf Archmage (Lore of Fire) along with his Dragon (which we counted as an Emperor Dragon) and a Necrosphinx (stores) and his girlfriend Veronica's (forgive me if I spelt your name wrong) with her Bretonnia Prophetess (Lore of Life) with her Chimera and Thundertusk (stores).
So magic was a blast, with constant miscasts (thanks to Vordican sucessfully casting Pandimonium, it that what it's called?). There where plenty of Fulcrum hopping and wizards turning into frogs.
The Necrosphinx killed the Chimera with it's Heroic Killing Blow.
Thundertusk killed the Treeman Ancient.
Arachnarok killed the Thundertusk.
High Elf Archmage is sucked into the Realm of Chaos.
Emperor Dragon duels a Exaulted Greater Daemon of Khorne and wins.
Vordicon rolls a 11 for strength for Invisible Fire of Tzeentch, sucking the Dragon into the Realm of Chaos.
Shaggoth is killed by Comet.
Celestial Wizard miscasts and is sucked into the Realm of Chaos.
Spawn is killed by entering Amythist Wizard, who later miscasts and is sucked into the Realm of Chaos.
Vordicon blasts Hydra to ashes with Infernal Gateway.
Arachnarok killed Necrosphinx.
Vordican torches Arachnarok (I hate spiders) with Flickering Fire of Tzeentch.
By the end of the game only three wizards remained.
-Vordican (me)
-Bretonnian Prophetess (Veronica)
-Wood Elf Mage

We did a grand magic duel of which I won. Both enemy wizards took a Strength 10 hit but both save. We then thought of blasting each other with spells but I was the only one with real damage, so instead we just rolled off. Vordican and the Wood Elf rolled a 1 and the Prophetess rolled 2.

Bretonnia Win.

Although, with the Realm of Chaos claiming three wizards and an Emperor Dragon, I say Chaos is the real winner. Atleast those guys got to go party with Tzeentch. Responses to my Fulcrum were great with it being refered to as 'Discusting' and me being 'Disturbed' for creating it, which is exactly what I was hoping for.

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