Saturday 12 May 2012

Arcane Fulcrum Challenge Update

So I spent the morning in bed (somehow twisted my neck while I was sleeping) and didn't get much done this morning. When I finally did, it seems my plans for this Fulcrum were going to prove harder to construct then I thought and it was only after speaking with my brother this arvo that a new option was opened.

Apparently I completely forgot about Vordicon, my Tzeentch Chaos Warrior Sorceror. My Bro said I should use him instead of my Skaven one (he refers to my bad run of losses, given that the only group I've ever beaten was Brettonia). I then realized I could construct a new Fulcrum from modeling clay, a chaos one with tentacles, eyes and gaping maws all over. The more I thought about it, the more I liked this idea for a Fulcrum.

Of course, if I could complete most of the Celestial Hurricanum, I could technically use it with a Celestial Wizard Lord, but regardless of who I choose, I think I will stick to this Arcane Fulcrum Idea.

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