Monday 30 September 2013

Uploads Tomorrow

Says it all really. Got five models done for the Inquisitor force and have already started painting up my Inquisitor. Trying to finish up these ones so I can get some more room on this blasted desk.

Till then...

Saturday 28 September 2013

Getting a better understanding...

With the whole 'What's better: 40K or Fantasy Battle?', I decided to ask around and find out the reasons behind why people favour one over the other. Putting aside the liking of a genre (Fantasy or Sci-fi) I believe I know some of the reasons behind them and why people will ask you to play one over the other. I will write an article here about it in a bit more detail, so expect to see it up here very soon.

Seems October 31st is Zombie Apocalypse at the GW stores. My brother and I participated in the last one and it was very enjoyable. While sadly my Ork Warboss didn't make the 40K survival list, my Dwarf lord went down swinging in his match. Survived to the end, surounded by zombies, swinging his axe and singing songs in his drunken state. All the while his 'allies' were too busy fighting each other. This year I think I'll use my (under construction) Inquisitor, but I don't think he'll last long. As for Fantasy, I'm going to throw old Skrag the Gatekeeper into this mess. Just needs a touch up with paint and he's ready to go.

Also, re-evaluating my bases for the Inquisition army. While I do love my unknown alien look, they do pail in comparison to other green stuff bases I've seen on the net. While I admit I will never be that good, I do think I can improve on's just that I still need to make atleast another 12+ bases and time isn't kind to me. That said, will look around for some more tips to help improve.

Friday 27 September 2013

Bitz Update

Las pistols have arrived, so I can finally start on those models. Also been thinking about the Snotling conversion I was planning and I think for the best set of walker legs (for the base size anyway) would probably be best to use a Necron models. As for which model I'm still not sure, but should be a model that I can atleast get other uses from it's left over parts. The Illuminor Szeras sadly is based for 40mm and so would be unsuitable, but I do think this Anrakyr the Traveller might be more suitable (his arm might make a good bionic part, but not sure about his metal skirt though). Will continue to keep looking into this one.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Skarsnik Short Review

Warning: Contains some spoilers.
Sweet Mork (or was it Gork?) am I late with this one. So anyway, this book is actually an origin story and is one of the more better ones I've read. I admit, I feel only certain characters can get away with an origin story about them and Skarsnik is one of them (compared to some others like Queek Headtaker, who I don't see having an origin story would work). This book does good in giving a little insight into some of the aspects of Goblins and their lives, which I did find very interesting.

The story is from three views and while all three seem to mix with each other, you never feel confused as to who's view it is. The three in question are Kaspar Wollendrop, a man doing extensive research into Goblins; Jeremiah Bickenstadt, former poet but now asylum resident who was once captured by Skarsnik to write the accounts of the Warlord (the reason why Kaspar is there); and finally Skarsnik, who Jeremiah recounts the Warlords own life story as the greenskin saw it.

After a brief introduction to the first character and the location he's in, the story moves onto Jeremiah and his own quick life account before the events that saw his capture and travel the lair of the dreaded Night Goblin Warlord. From here on in the story is mostly about the life story of Skarsnik, from his birthing, his rise and fall, before rising again to become the great Skarsnik. In between the book takes a break in between ether to give Jeremiah a chance to explain his time as a captive, or to Kasper and the reasons why he took up trying to study Goblins (and his fear of them).

I guess my only complaint is that it does seem less interesting when it comes to the Human parts of the book. This is probably a nitpick, but I just couldn't get into the Human characters compared to Skarsnik. While it is his book, the Humans are the connecting parts and if anything, it's the introduction in the book that lets it down. That said, the latter parts are more of a intermission to Skarsnik's own tale and does work a lot better there (and they're shorter compared to the introduction too).

Again, the book does give some nice insight into Goblins, such as a Goblin can find his name changing as he rises through the ranks or the difference between the intelligent Skarsnik compared to his sadistic minions. It also explains the story behind Gobbla and even Gork and Mork make an appearance, showing that no one can seem to tell which God is which. For the most part, I did enjoy this book. I find that any Goblin (particularly Night Goblin) fans will enjoy it. While it might not be to everyone's taste, I feel Warhammer fans might find it a good read as it is a nice explanation into the origins of the character Skarsnik.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Asthma and Cats

No, for once these two are not related. A few weeks back I had a chest infection and just as I thought it was gone, I found myself bed ridden with Asthma over the weekend. Now once again I'm back in bed with it and it's bloody hot.

The good news? Just received in the mail today: Samurai Pizza Cats Col 1 from Madman Entertainment. I love this show, it was one of the few I watched when I was in primary school. Every morning we'd get ready while this show was on T.V and I was a big fan. Now, finally, it's on DVD here in Australia. So while I may be in bed coughing out the remnants of my lungs, I can do so with a smile on my face watching some of these classic episodes.
Also, love the cover.

Thursday 19 September 2013

The Inquisitorial List

So, this is the planned list for the 500pt Inquisitor Force. This list shows what's planned, is model or conversion and progress (if any):

- Inquisitor Coteaz (original model with converted hood just to add effect)

- Inquisitor/Ordo Xenos with Needle Pistol, Power Weapon and Digital Weapons (Model Converted - Just needs painting)

- Henchmen Group 1 (attached to Coteaz)
 - Arco-Flagellant (Ur-Ghul model - Done)
 - Arco-Flagellant (Kroot - Done)
 - Deathcult Assassin x2 (DE Wyches - Slight conversion - just need painting)
 - Inquisitorial Servitor (IG/SM Servitor - Done)
 - Warrior Acolyte with Power Weapon (Necromunda 'The Caller' on foot model - needs painting)
 - Warrior Acolytes x6 (converted chaos cultists)

- Henchmen Group 2 (attached to Ordo Xenos Inquisitor)
 - Daemonhost (converted creature, not a daemonhost but a warp based xeno entity)
 - Crusader (converted Dwarf Ironbreaker - Done)
 - Inquisitorial Servitor with Heavy Bolter (Done)
 - Jokaero Weaponsmoth x2 (One done, need the second)
 - Psyker (converted xeno creature in robe riding another xeno creature)
 - Warrior Acolyte with  Carapace Armour (CA) and Hotshot Lasgun (Tau convert - Done)
 - Warrior Acolyte with CA and Meltagun (Lizardman Conversion)
 - Warrior Acolyte with CA and Flamer (Skaven model - Done)
 - Warrior Acolyte with CA and Stormbolter (Snotling conversion)

- Henchmen Group 3 (solo group)
 - Psyker x3 (Imperial Guard 3 pack set)
 - Warrior Acolyte with Bolter (Necromunda House Escher gang leader)
 - Warrior Acolyte with Bolter (This slot is still open for ideas)
 - Warrior Acolyte with CA and Hotshot Lasgun (Vostroyan Gardsman - Done)
 - Warrior Acolyte (converted chaos cultist)

This list contains 31 models and so far I have a total of 6 done. I admit that this project is a little bigger then normal and some of the conversions will be slow, but I am glad I did only choose 500pts as anymore and it might never get done. The list itself is still open to alterations, mostly through plain Warrior Acolytes.

Also, you may notice that this list isn't a very powerful one and is somewhat confusing with so many options in small groups. The reason is, that this list is more about me having a more story driven group and having fun with the various characters I create, convert and paint.

As always, I'm opened to ideas...

Update: Good news, the cultist arrived and so I can plan some of the conversions. I admit I will need to order las pistols and a little green stuff should do the trick (though those chaos gear things are something else that will need some work). Might convert one with a Beastmen look and perhaps throw a Skink in for good measure (got some spear parts lying around here somewhere).

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Projects: 18/9/13

Was considering a 500pt 40K force to get back into the hobby, but it got confusing. Tried to do Chaos Space Marines, but didn't feel right. As for the possessed and a few more chaos models I got, I plan to make them into a kill team for whatever future events happen. As for the 500pt force? Going to stick with an Inquisition force, though it does mean I will need Inquisitor Coteaz to field it.

Speaking of which, currently painting three members today, with a few more in production. I will put up the list eventually, along with the planned models to go with it.

Also in the works will be rodents, both Skaven and Mousling. Mouslings will be done every now and then just to keep my enjoyment in the hobby going. As for the Skaven, apart from the Eshin Mordheim group, I do plan to convert and paint a couple of story driven characters of my own creation. This group of four are more for show and would only be used in narrative games. I may also do the occasional High Elf and Gobbo from time to time as well.

Photography wise, am messing with the settings to see what results I can get, but it is obvious I need a better camera (particularly since I really want to do night shots). If I get a good pic, I'll upload it.

Finally, I'm designing an armour set for Storm Spear. I mentioned under Corrupticus' original designs that in series two the gem was lodged in his chest. The reason for this was at the end of series one, Corrupticus and Storm Spear had their grand showdown. In this battle, Storm Spear wore a set of runic armour made specifically for him called The Stormlord's Wrath. This is the armour that I'm trying to design and I hope to finish the initial design shortly. I'll probably redo the profiles of these characters in the future as well, since they've evolved with a stronger story behind them.

Rumours: Blood Bowl VS Inquisitor

Since the release of Space Hulk there were rumours of a return to specialist games, though when the models for said games started disappearing it seem to crush them. Recently, word came out that a possible Blood Bowl box set would make a return, which lasted until a few months ago when another rumour occurred to say that it wasn't Blood Bowl, but a scaled down version of Inquisitor (28mm based models this time). Personally, I feel rumours are the bane of any gamer, the need to give an opinion is also something I can't resist.

While I would prefer any of these two games, I think the most plausible one for Games-Workshop to release would be Inquisitor. The main reason: No extra support needed. The problem with a re-release of Blood Bowl  (or Mordheim, Necromunda, Battlefleet Gothic .etc) is that these games would need to be supported with future races/groups/supplements and that seems to be something Games-Workshop is incapable of at this time.

This is where Inquisitor works. It needs only a few adjustments from the original rules (along with an FAQ for mistakes and adjustments) and the models provided would be sufficient. Indeed, any additional ones could be purchased/converted from their 40K range. This means that after the official release and FAQ, there is (apart from a few White Dwarf articles) little reason to spend major amounts of time investing in it's future.

Again, this is merely my view on it, but given their business practices, it makes the most sense (that is, if they were going to do it from the beginning).

Monday 9 September 2013

Paint is back

It's been over a month since I last picked up a paint brush (shove it depression) and it's nice just to sit back and have fun. As you can see from this pirate, I'm trying my hand at a few different miniatures from the usual Games-Workshop products. The Reaper Miniature Mouslings are just perfect for this. Sinple, yet characterful and so much fun to paint.

Next are the recent additions to the Ordo Xenos Inquisitorial Warband. Tactics Expert Sasha (Warrior Acolyte - Tau names are hard to make, so I figured that the Inquisitor would call her Sasha instead) and Master Hunter Gar'too (Arco-Flagellant - Kroot names are even harder to come up with, plus I find this name amusing).

With this bunch done, I hope to have more up within the next few weeks.

The Pender Bender (How is this possible?)

Just how the hell is this possible? How is it that Ken Penders get's rights for characters created and published through Archie Comics? Why did Archie backdoor him a deal?

With any company you work for, anything that you create that is published through that company is owned by said company unless written otherwise in a contract. As such, copyright of said material is owned by that company and you have no say in what happens to that material. The only way I can see that such a thing possible was if somehow Archie comics screwed up and screwed up badly. While I doubt he'll be successful is his lawsuit of SEGA and EA, although the characters he could claim (video game wise) are the Dark Legion, which had many similarities to the Echidna's from Sonic Chronicles. Such things are why SEGA never made a game with Archie characters. Certainly it makes sense why Archie has done a series of 'DC Reboots' in it's attempt to fade many of these characters off, much to my annoyance.

I have nothing against Penders as a person, but I never saw the point in Penders' actions and it certainly hasn't improved his image amongst the fan base. I'm surprised that he'd be allowed to use the characters in any paid form without SEGA's permission as their designs (e.g Echidnas etc) are associated with SEGA owned character designs (and could count against the copyright of their characters). All I know is that I've long since lost respect for the man (lost it when he first launched his bid for copyright control) and will now have to endure the painful demise of some of my favourite characters within the Sonic Universe.

One must also wonder what effect it could have on the comic book future too.

Sunday 8 September 2013

The Election Results are in...

..and the Australian people lost. Actually, I sort of new this was coming, given that the Murdoch media had shoved Tony in our face demanding you vote for him, but also giving more strength to my theory that a person will vote against the person they hate over voting for good polices. With Tony's plans to cut funding from health, education, scientific research, farmer support, etc, just what damage can the Federal version of Campbell Newman do?

Only the Dark Gods of Chaos know...