Thursday 19 September 2013

The Inquisitorial List

So, this is the planned list for the 500pt Inquisitor Force. This list shows what's planned, is model or conversion and progress (if any):

- Inquisitor Coteaz (original model with converted hood just to add effect)

- Inquisitor/Ordo Xenos with Needle Pistol, Power Weapon and Digital Weapons (Model Converted - Just needs painting)

- Henchmen Group 1 (attached to Coteaz)
 - Arco-Flagellant (Ur-Ghul model - Done)
 - Arco-Flagellant (Kroot - Done)
 - Deathcult Assassin x2 (DE Wyches - Slight conversion - just need painting)
 - Inquisitorial Servitor (IG/SM Servitor - Done)
 - Warrior Acolyte with Power Weapon (Necromunda 'The Caller' on foot model - needs painting)
 - Warrior Acolytes x6 (converted chaos cultists)

- Henchmen Group 2 (attached to Ordo Xenos Inquisitor)
 - Daemonhost (converted creature, not a daemonhost but a warp based xeno entity)
 - Crusader (converted Dwarf Ironbreaker - Done)
 - Inquisitorial Servitor with Heavy Bolter (Done)
 - Jokaero Weaponsmoth x2 (One done, need the second)
 - Psyker (converted xeno creature in robe riding another xeno creature)
 - Warrior Acolyte with  Carapace Armour (CA) and Hotshot Lasgun (Tau convert - Done)
 - Warrior Acolyte with CA and Meltagun (Lizardman Conversion)
 - Warrior Acolyte with CA and Flamer (Skaven model - Done)
 - Warrior Acolyte with CA and Stormbolter (Snotling conversion)

- Henchmen Group 3 (solo group)
 - Psyker x3 (Imperial Guard 3 pack set)
 - Warrior Acolyte with Bolter (Necromunda House Escher gang leader)
 - Warrior Acolyte with Bolter (This slot is still open for ideas)
 - Warrior Acolyte with CA and Hotshot Lasgun (Vostroyan Gardsman - Done)
 - Warrior Acolyte (converted chaos cultist)

This list contains 31 models and so far I have a total of 6 done. I admit that this project is a little bigger then normal and some of the conversions will be slow, but I am glad I did only choose 500pts as anymore and it might never get done. The list itself is still open to alterations, mostly through plain Warrior Acolytes.

Also, you may notice that this list isn't a very powerful one and is somewhat confusing with so many options in small groups. The reason is, that this list is more about me having a more story driven group and having fun with the various characters I create, convert and paint.

As always, I'm opened to ideas...

Update: Good news, the cultist arrived and so I can plan some of the conversions. I admit I will need to order las pistols and a little green stuff should do the trick (though those chaos gear things are something else that will need some work). Might convert one with a Beastmen look and perhaps throw a Skink in for good measure (got some spear parts lying around here somewhere).

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