Wednesday 18 September 2013

Rumours: Blood Bowl VS Inquisitor

Since the release of Space Hulk there were rumours of a return to specialist games, though when the models for said games started disappearing it seem to crush them. Recently, word came out that a possible Blood Bowl box set would make a return, which lasted until a few months ago when another rumour occurred to say that it wasn't Blood Bowl, but a scaled down version of Inquisitor (28mm based models this time). Personally, I feel rumours are the bane of any gamer, the need to give an opinion is also something I can't resist.

While I would prefer any of these two games, I think the most plausible one for Games-Workshop to release would be Inquisitor. The main reason: No extra support needed. The problem with a re-release of Blood Bowl  (or Mordheim, Necromunda, Battlefleet Gothic .etc) is that these games would need to be supported with future races/groups/supplements and that seems to be something Games-Workshop is incapable of at this time.

This is where Inquisitor works. It needs only a few adjustments from the original rules (along with an FAQ for mistakes and adjustments) and the models provided would be sufficient. Indeed, any additional ones could be purchased/converted from their 40K range. This means that after the official release and FAQ, there is (apart from a few White Dwarf articles) little reason to spend major amounts of time investing in it's future.

Again, this is merely my view on it, but given their business practices, it makes the most sense (that is, if they were going to do it from the beginning).

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