Wednesday 18 September 2013

Projects: 18/9/13

Was considering a 500pt 40K force to get back into the hobby, but it got confusing. Tried to do Chaos Space Marines, but didn't feel right. As for the possessed and a few more chaos models I got, I plan to make them into a kill team for whatever future events happen. As for the 500pt force? Going to stick with an Inquisition force, though it does mean I will need Inquisitor Coteaz to field it.

Speaking of which, currently painting three members today, with a few more in production. I will put up the list eventually, along with the planned models to go with it.

Also in the works will be rodents, both Skaven and Mousling. Mouslings will be done every now and then just to keep my enjoyment in the hobby going. As for the Skaven, apart from the Eshin Mordheim group, I do plan to convert and paint a couple of story driven characters of my own creation. This group of four are more for show and would only be used in narrative games. I may also do the occasional High Elf and Gobbo from time to time as well.

Photography wise, am messing with the settings to see what results I can get, but it is obvious I need a better camera (particularly since I really want to do night shots). If I get a good pic, I'll upload it.

Finally, I'm designing an armour set for Storm Spear. I mentioned under Corrupticus' original designs that in series two the gem was lodged in his chest. The reason for this was at the end of series one, Corrupticus and Storm Spear had their grand showdown. In this battle, Storm Spear wore a set of runic armour made specifically for him called The Stormlord's Wrath. This is the armour that I'm trying to design and I hope to finish the initial design shortly. I'll probably redo the profiles of these characters in the future as well, since they've evolved with a stronger story behind them.

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