Saturday 11 January 2014

It's Quiet.....

Sooo.....2014 eh?

Alright, so I didn't do any updating during the holiday period. Two reasons for this, the first being it was the holidays so I was at my Mum's house helping out and seeing my two youngest sisters enjoy their Christmas. The second reason is that it's Summer here in Australia and it's been so bloody hot. Seriously, I can't stand heat (which makes me wonder why I still live in Queensland) as it makes me ill and lethargic. Doesn't help that I don't have air conditioning and that my room is almost five degrees hotter then outside. As such, it's been very difficult for me to work on projects and so very little has been done. Little work means fewer updates.

Still, Hope everyone had a great Christmas/New Years and here's hoping the best for all this 2014.

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