Monday 27 January 2014

Of Killer Tomatoes

Watched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes today, gotta say I did enjoy it. I mean, the comedy was old, most of the songs were bad (theme is still awesome) and the story was cheesy in an annoying parody sort of way. One would think then that this Horror-Comedy movie was terrible, but you see, it's the exact opposite. It was a bad late 70's film that was ment to be, in a way, a parody of the horror genre and it was directed well enough that I found this classic to be very enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, the film is bad that does seem to drag out at points and most may not like it, but for me I found I enjoyed it more then I thought I would (and believe me I started watching it with the impression I was going to hate it).

In fact, I might try to track down the rest to review the series (I have seen Killer Tomatoes Eat France years ago, but would love to see it again) and perhaps I might do a review on the series as a whole. Who knows, might throw in the cartoon as a sequel review after.

Update 29/01/14: Just watched Return of the Killer Tomatoes and it does indeed scream 80's. The horror aspect is replaced more with a bad love story and the jokes seem even more painful then the last movie. With that said, John Astin as Professor Gangreen is brilliant. Might give a proper review late.

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