Thursday 10 April 2014

Future Gaming Plans

So as part of my practice for voice acting, I had heard from some that some Let's Plays were just one way of practicing. As such, I'm already got just enough for my brother to start building me a better computer soon (my current one is a laptop that's a few years old) and so will finally get to play some of the more modern PC games. But what am I really looking forward to play within the next year on it? Let's see....

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
Yep, so looking forward to this one. I've seen it played on the Youtube channel of ZackScottGames, so it's no surprise that it would draw my attention. Will it be any good as a PC port? I don't know, but if it works as well (or better) as it's Xbox Ones version, then I'll be happy.

I had trouble getting into mmorpg's since I left WoW and Warhammer Online shutdown. I mostly blame WoW for that and I have my reasons (which I may get too another time) and having played both Elder Scrolls Online and Wildstar beta's, I feel Wildstar is a good point to return too. I know that my main will be an Aurin Spellslinger (already have a design and profile made), probably a mix of damage and healing so I can enjoy the mixed aspects of the class. My brother wants to play Chua too so I'll also have a Chua Medic for when we feel like a bit of madness. Have to wait till the three day head start before I decide on which server to join.

Batman/Assassin's Creed
I have no plans on purchasing a next-gen console, so as such I'll be purchasing these ones for PC from now on.

Dungeon Defenders 2
I admit, I have no idea if this game will be released this year or next year, but I'll still keep it on the list simply because I love the series. I've said on this blog before that I'm a big fan of Dungeon Defenders (I play both a Summoner and a Ranger in our games) and so I wait with anticipation for the next game in the series.

Heroes of the Storm
As far as MOBA's are concerned, I've played League of Legends and classic DotA, though I'm not very good at the PvP aspect of the games. I tend to play more of a support character to better help my friends (who are better then me at these type of games) and am not very good at hero killing. Given what I've learned about Heroes of the Storm, I'm very keen to play it. The focus more on objectives over hero killing is something more to my style and I really would love to have a chance to play some of the characters on their current hero list.

There's probably a few more I've forgotten to add to the list, so if I have then I'll do an additional list later on.

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