Sunday 27 April 2014

Slow Work and Thoughts

I must apologize for the lack of miniatures/photography updates. Not only has the usual things like my depression and anxiety issues caused troubles, but issues with work and the news that my Grandfather is dying of stomach cancer (given that he'd only just beaten prostate cancer) have ment an undesirable amount of problems. It's also ment I've had to do a lot of thinking.

Project wise, it's been difficult trying to motivate myself to paint. This would seem odd cause with the big heat here finally cooling down, my room is cool enough to handle the heat from the bright lights I use. I'm still stuck deciding between either working on the Inquisition or Empire, though I feel that I've left the Skaven on the back burner for far too long. While I know the idea for the Grey Seer Skratchnsniff costume might be good (or not), I still need to work on something techno-wizardy to really feel satisfied.

As for photography, I will get around to practicing some more but I also want to try my hand at a bit of voice recording and video editing, along with with some photo editing thrown in as well. I have considered taking up some study, but depression as usual has caused me to constantly struggle as to whether this is useless or not and so has ment holding off (seriously, it's ticking me off).

Given that I'm trying to get a new computer to replace my laptop, it will mean a complete reshuffle of my desk, so hopefully when I do that I'll finally get a better set-up to encourage me to get back to working on them. In the mean time I might try writing up a few articles, perhaps reviews or rants or whatever comes to me and see how it turns out.

Update: Yep, really thinking about that Skratchnsniff costume design. So far I'm looking at how difficult and expensive it'll be to make, but it's actually somewhat difficult to find some of the things I needed (apparently most places don't stock such items till around October - Halloween). As for miniature projects, I have begun work on Geegaw (my Dwarf Engineer I played back then on Warhammer Online) and am stuck on the back pack design. Still can't get out of my head that I should start designing some crazy Skaven device, but if I can't think of one soon, I may just go back to my plan of a Skryre built Warpfire Dragon.

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