Monday, 8 December 2014

Asthma Problem That Never Occured To Me

So it's no surprise I have Asthma, but as of last night my Nebuliser stopped working. For those who don't know, a Nebuliser is a small machine that pumps filtered air into a mask which turns the liquid medication into a vapor that you inhale. I'm told it's that last step you take cause if it gets worse after it you need to go to hospital. What never occurred to me was just how difficult it is to get one fixed.

After going over it, I concluded that it needed a fuse replacement. It uses a T5A 240V fuse and after much searching, I found that no one in the whole state of Queensland sell the bloody things. To top it all off, I spent not only most of today trying to find a fuse which no one sells, but when I went to hire one out, multiple places don't even do that. Of the two that did, one was all booked out and the other was going to charge me a $50 bond and an additional $20 per week just to hire it, money I don't have (have just under $50 until next week). So here it stands, I have to just take the meds I have and hope it doesn't get worse. Otherwise it's a trip to the hospital and I know they'll bitch and whinge about not using a Nebuliser.

Seriously, Asthma is a major problem with so many of the population in this country with it and yet no one thought to make access to Nebuliser repairs or hire easy for those with it. I didn't think it would be this much of a problem and today has shown me that there is a major flaw in the health system for those with Asthma. I manage to order replacement fuses (I think there the right ones) from another state, but they may not show up until next week (and assuming none of them were damaged). A whole week with out it and currently my Asthma isn't in good health.

Sorry to bitch about it, but this whole day has left me thoroughly pissed off.


I must apologise for this one. I tend to write these as a means to get things off my chest and I was (and still am) very frustrated about all this. However, despite this lack of medical help, Australia still has a very good health care system (even if the current government is trying to dismantle it). My attempts to find other solutions to the problem lead my to many forums where people from other countries with Asthma explained their situation and I realised just how bad the health care system of other countries are. I admit I don't know how health care works in other countries, but from what I read some of it is just plain ridiculous. As such, my ranting to some may have come off as rather spoilt, given that my country actually has a health care system available to all. So yeah, sorry about that.

Update 8/12/14: Managed to find fuses (by sheer luck) and it's working again. My lungs are once again at ease.

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