Saturday 6 December 2014

My Top 5 Skaven Clans

It’s no surprise that I’m a big fan of the Skaven and I do enjoy some of the variety between the Clans. I previously mentioned five Clans in order, which I really like, either through their lore or their visual appearance. Many came from the Uniforms & Heraldry of the Skaven book and so are the pictures I’ve added to the list. So lets get started with my Top 5 Skaven Clans:

Number 5 – Clan Skrittlespike
The first thing you’ll notice is their large eyes and this is due to evolving to their environment. While the Skaven are a subterranean like race, the Skaven of Clan Skrittlespike live so deep underground that they have adapted to the lack of light. While they are great for deep underground combat and ambushes, they are mostly useless on the surface world, given that even the moonlight would be somewhat painful for them see in. They are also easily frightened by load noises, so using them against a force that uses gunpowder would just be useless (let alone the noise produced by their own sides weapons).

Number 4 – Clan Crooktail
Located in the Northern Wastes, this Clan is unique in that its members contain various mutations, so it's no surprise that the various conversion opportunities would make this Clan so much fun to put together. The Skaven race has always been associated with the substance known as Warpstone (which is basically the physical manifestation or raw chaos) and it’s been a major piece of their society. Despite being very resilient, they are not immune to the effects of unrefined raw Warpstone.  As such, the tunnels of Clan Crooktail are littered with raw Warpstone and tainted by it’s magical residue. This has lead to the various mutations they possess, which they attribute as blessings from the Great Horned Rat and lest face it, who’s going to argue with a two-headed Skaven with an extra set of arms and a deadly tail?

Number 3 – Clan Skurvy
The seafaring rodents of Clan Skurvy sail rickety old ships that have been patched up and sail the coastlines looking for ships to loot and plunder. So basically, they’re Pi-rats. Ha Ha Ha….

Really Guardian? That rodent-based joke wasn’t humorous at all.

….ahem, yes…..well, anyway. Despite having a few main rivals, Clan Skurvy is still the primary fleet used by the Skaven when it comes to travelling by sea or sea combat. Mutiny and backstabbing are commonplace, more so then normal compared to the normal Clans and staying Captain of a ship for more then a day is considered an achievement. Those that do tend to earn fearsome reputations and usually can spot when a traitorous underling is vying for their position easily. Injury is also commonplace and so thing like peg legs, hooked hands and eye patches are the usual look amongst them (though some can afforded more murderous parts crafted by Clan Skryre). This Clan makes for a nice themed Skaven force and would rely focus on creating themed conversions, colour schemes and bases, but it would look really good.

Number 2 – Clan Eshin
Having vanished heading East during the Great Migration, Clan Eshin would return to serve the Council of Thirteen during the first great Skaven civil war. What happened to them after they went missing is only known to the Clan Eshin and they guard their secrets closely. What is known is that during that time they mastered the art of stealth, sabotage, murder, poisons and other techniques of martial arts and assassination. Theirs is a reputation of fear and that alone keeps them in power. They find their services are always in need as just about every Skaven has some other Skaven they want dead. They are probably the most discipline Clan too as they actually have strict rules on everything and to break just one is instant death. Even their leader Nightlord Sneek has a sort of honour too him, which seems to go against the usual Skaven style. Colour wise, they are very simple, yet very sinister looking.

Number 1 – Clan Skryre
Alright, you all saw this one coming. Clan Skryre is by far my favourite Clan. They are the masters of techno-sorcery, which is a fusion of science and magic, two opposites that somehow are made to work together. The Clan is often accused by other races as stealing designs and modifying them for their own use. This is partly true and they have based many of their designs from captured enemy weapons. On the other hand, you could also say that they have improved on designs of other races who were too short-sighted to take their designs to the next level. They are also not limited to simply advancing ‘borrowed’ designs and have made original devices of their own. The Clan is probably the most technologically advanced race on the planet, producing a number of advance devices. One such device is the Farsqueeker, a long-range communication device (think of it as a medieval version of Skype). Their weapons are also more powerful thanks to the use of Warpstone, but it comes at a price. Yeah, these weapons tend to have a common flaw of backfiring and blowing themselves (and their users) up. But hey, nobodies perfect.

What-What? You no put Grey Seers on here? What’s wrong with you? This is madness, I shall appeal this list. You will know the wrath of the Grey Seers.
~Grey Seer Skratchnsniff

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