Sunday 26 April 2015

Death & Light - WiP

A quick pic of the work in progress of the Amethyst and Light wizards. You can see I've used Blu-Tack to hold the various parts together as I need to paint the body before attaching the heads and the book/hourglass will need to be painted separately before they will be attached. I tried a number of poses and conversions and this was what I felt worked. I know that it lacks some of the conversion work that I could of done, but I'm happy with these stances (they feel more like they're on a battlefield). The paint scheme is what I want to focus on next.

Some problems I'm having is that the robes on the Amethyst wizard has holes that I've tried to cover up with some success but not fully and since this photo I've also removed his robes back top and replaced it with the hood part as I found the head wasn't fitting properly. As for the Light wizard, it's more on the struggle to get the painting right as white paint is terrible to work with.

Also, I used a small metal creature from the Empire Cannon set to act like an Imp familiar for the Amethyst wizard, but I currently have no familiar for the Light wizard. I'll keep it that way as Light wizards tend to have acolytes instead. May possibly make a few in the future, though don't hold out for that one.

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