Tuesday 7 April 2015

Youtubers Vs Youtubers

Oh boy did all hell break loose today and it seems it will continue for some time to come.

It all started with with a video uploaded to Youtube by Angry Joe (well, it actually started with a bad policy by Nintendo, but we'll get to that). Under Nintendo's own decided policy, they flagged it and took any revenue from it. Joe takes the video down and tweets that it'll be the last Nintendo video he does and follows up with a video on a poor policy. Nothing new, business as usual. Let's face it, the last article was on Jim Sterling and another battle with developer, it's not like these are a one off.

Then Rooster Teeth's own 'The Know' channel on Youtube decided to do are story on this. Not something like a developer attacking a critic like Jim Sterling or something that is a news story of some great battle. No, they instead decided to do a video on this and it comes off at lashing out at Joe. This was the start of a war between the Rooster Teeth fans and the Angry Joe fans and now other Youtubers are getting involved. All the while, the whole point was about Nintendo's bad policy and a debate on it was completely ignored.

So  where do I stand? I am a fan of both Rooster Teeth and Angry Joe, but in regards to this one, I'm siding with Joe. Regardless of what many think, there was no need for Rooster Teeth to do this video, it was completely unnecessary. I might expect someone like Totalbiscut to talk about it, because he tends to focus on the facts and not on petty insults. In fact, I expect Totalbiscuit might have something to say about this real soon. Joe was right to be annoyed and Nintendo's policy is bollocks and needs to be reworked to be fair. Let's Players have said that they are happy to give a percentage, but it had to be fair and it should go through Google, just like every other expense that gets taken out before a Youtuber is paid.

Overall, I was both shocked and surprised that a video like this was even put up. It was unnecessary and pointless and all it's done is turn gamers and Youtubers against each other while the real villain Nintendo gets away with it. Though to be fair, Jack Pattillo (who works at Rooster Teeth) did say in the AWU video that he was behind Joe all the way, so perhaps it's just some of the staff there that have a beef with Joe.

Either way, this was pointless and all it's done now is spout more unnecessary hate in a time when gamers/Youtubers need to unite.

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