Thursday 26 May 2016

Colette Crew: First Dove

So using what I had left to make the bases, I made bases....., anyway. I did finish the painting and as I feared they did not look exactly like my large base, but some of them were close. The worst one happened to be a 30mm base, perfect for placing one of the three Mechanical Doves from the base on.

The photo was rushed, but it's roughly what you'd expect. The problem arouse when the lines that had been carved in didn't show up and trying to repair them with paint and wash screwed the colours up. I glued the flying stand on the worst spot to cover that part up with the rest still being somewhat exposed, but not as bad. While disappointing, I'm not too put off as the Doves are totems that come and go in the crew and are not as important as the main stars, so here's hoping I don't screw that up.

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