Tuesday 24 May 2016

Starcraft 2 Co-op

So from me having it out with Blizzard to actually giving them some praise. Over the last week me and my brother have been playing Starcraft 2 co-op and I kind of enjoy it. I am limited since I don't own Legacy of the Void (EB Games screwed up my pre-order and nothing has happened since, though I did play single-player on my brothers account just to see how it ended) and as such I was limited to the Raynor, Kerrigan and Artanis, but I did get Abathur since he is my favourite Starcraft character (I love playing him in Heroes of the Storm).

So apart from Kerrigan who is an actual character in the game, each Hero is more for voices and no actual interaction. However, each Hero has a number of units and buildings that they have access to and gain a bonus as that Hero levels up, unlocking one per level up to level 15. Past that the Hero gains a mastery point that can be used to give a very tiny (but no less useful) bonus to their force.

You and your co-op partner pick a Hero and then enter a mission. These missions are usually based on an event from the single-player campaign and you get just enough time to start up, but when it starts you need to react fast enough. There are four difficulties and the higher the difficulty the more XP you earn and after a mission is when that XP goes towards leveling up. But it doesn't end there. See, they have a weekly mission called Mutations and it is a harder version of a mission. You also need a Hero of level 5 or more in order to play it. Each week a mission is taken and then is tweaked to be harder by adding in extra problems.

So for example, we take this weeks one which was stop the trains from the Wings of Liberty campaign. What made this one different was that the sight range was limited and that Infested Terran were everywhere, more so as killing any unit would spawn them and the higher the health the more that spawned (and those trains have a lot of health). I really enjoyed this and it proved to be more interesting with the added objectives that normally come on higher difficulties.

My only complaint is that it needs more missions. I would defiantly would like more Hold Out missions as apart from one, the rest are Assault missions. That and I would like more Assault missions that were larger, but with a larger time limit too. Beyond that I feel that this mode is great and I look forward to playing more games of it.

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