Thursday 26 May 2016

Oh Games-Workshop, you jokers you..

So yeah, the Games-Workshop's homepage has a banner promoting Total War: Warhammer with the following slogan: Play the game, Collect the miniatures. That would be great, given that Dawn of War was a big pusher into getting people into 40K. Just one problem with that....

Warhammer: Fantasy Battles doesn't exist anymore. Bit difficult to promote people into buying a miniatures line that doesn't exist.

Alright, I admit that they still have a bunch of these miniatures still in stock and they aren't going to remove them just yet while they can gain cash from this promotion, but prior to this game's release, most of that stock had disappeared from the site. My guess is this new management has seen an opportunity and is jumping on it with what they have left. Don't get me wrong, this is great. Now you too can grab what you need for the fan rules 9th Edition game so you too can enjoy Warhammer much in the same way as Total War style play.

I'd probably jump on this myself, but I'd rather buy the game then pay the same amount of cash on a box of troops. I got enough of them to paint as it is and given my brother hates what's happen to his Elves since End Times, a game of Age of Sigmar is probably out of the question. A game of Total War: Warhammer on the other hand is something he's more keen on. Now if only the had Skaven....

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