Tuesday 24 May 2016

My Problem With Overwatch

Why add such a deep story if it plays no part in the game? Seriously, I go so interested in the story that when I finally got into the Beta I was so disappointed with what I was playing. Why have two sides if you aren't going to have two sides? They are at war with each other, yet they are helping each other fight their own allies? Why?

At least with League of Legends when it started did have some explanation of why they were fighting, but this game makes little sense. I mean, if it was a tacked on version of multiplayer to a single player campaign (something like Halo or CoD), then it would be just fine. However, this is multiplayer only and with no real explanation to why this is like this after bringing out amazing cinematics to explain the story, it just makes it confusing. If your not going to add a single-player storyline, place heroes on one team and villains on the other or even give an explanation of why the heroes and villains are allied in a match.

I know I'm thinking way too much into this, but why bother giving an in-depth universe if the game itself is just a any hero pick multiplayer game with standard objectives? It seems like a complete waste of a franchise to put this much effort into creating this deep story with characters and events when or your doing is creating a multiplayer only game with no story progression. It just infuriates me at the waste of such a potentially great story driven campaign and yes, you can still have one as a multiplayer only game.

And to think that this has gotten me more worked up then the fact there are cosmetic micro-transactions is a paid multiplayer game,it's not even a free-to-play model (and yes, they are loot crates and not skins, but they unlock cosmetics so I'm still counting them as the same thing).

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