Wednesday 1 June 2016

Angry Joe is....Angry.

I feel for Joe Vargas, I really do. This is a guy who is just trying to do a review show with a standard for high quality. He does big reviews, rapid reviews and movie reviews. This takes time and when you have a period of time with a bunch of releases and that you are sick at one point and visiting your family and relatives on another, your available time is short to get things out.

It's no surprise then that some of these game reviews are done in the Rapid Fire series and even went out of his way to do a movie review while visiting family, he's a guy that takes pride in his work. The problem is that lately some of his so called 'fan base' (if you could call them fans) have been viciously attacking him for not getting any Angry Reviews out. Not only that, but some of those attacks were even directed towards his family/relatives in that movie review. People bagging the channel out for not being an Angry Joe channel and crap like that.

And yes, it's as stupid as it sounds. So it was no wonder that in his latest rapid review of Overwatch that all these insults and attacks finally caused Joe to finally respond:

So Fucking pissed looking at the comments after working hard to get this out. I'd love it if each person complaining that this review is a "Rapid Fire Review" and not a full fucking production with silly costumes and special fx just fucking unsub right the hell now and get the fuck outta here. Even if I end up back at 60,000 subs id be a lot happier and less stressed out 24/7. I have a fucking life and this is the FIRST MONTH in 7 years that I was away from my house for 2 consecutive weeks. 2 FUCKING WEEKS (while still trying to work every one of those days) and this is the shit I get. 

During this month 10 high profile games came out. Battleborn, Homefront, DOOM, Stellaris, Overwatch, Total War Warhammer, Hitman: EP, TMNT, Witcher 3: Blood & Wine, some other shit. Not to mention all the Movies like Civil War, Xmen, and other crap - all while im on fucking family vacation im still working my fucking ass off ignoring my family to try to get out Reviews for you guys. FUCk sakes. 

 I KNOW it comes from you guys liking what I do, but you have to wake up and realize that IM NOT IGN nor GAMESPOT. IM NOT A MULTIMILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION WITH OVER 257 employees around the world. No matter how good you think my reviews are I CANT MAKE ONE FOR EVERY GOD DAMN GAME THAT COMES OUT. and im tired of trying to. IM ONE FUCKING GUY, with a life and a family that wanted to see me once in awhile and these videos are completely FREE. If you dont like the fact that I got slammed this May then unsub instead of complaining like a moron about your unrealistic entitlements. This is a SHOW. AngryJoeSHOw and it will always be even if I lose everyone and only have 1137 subscribers. 

 If you arent an asshole in the comments and really do want to see Angry Reviews more often then just wait till sometime after E3, where things will have calmed down a bit and ive caught up. shit.

I don't blame Joe for lashing out. If anything, I applaud him for doing so and throw my support for the guy. I mean, if you were in his situation you'd do the exact same thing. This guy works hard to produce great reviews that explores all the positives and negatives, putting time into producing a top quality review show. People demanded he get more reviews out in times that have so many games come out, so he did Rapid Fire to get them out. He's never paid big bucks nor would he sell himself short, but Youtube is a tricky device in order to make a living. He lacks the funds and the workers to pump out videos like the Angry Reviews all the time and as such, things like the shorter reviews are a means to help get those reviews out.

Yet people seem to want to act like a bunch of arseholes and throw around childish insults and threats just because they can't get what they want and what they want is simply not possible for Joe to do. It infuriates me that such people can act like this and I feel that a better system for dealing with this insufferable nonsense needs to be bought in.

And to Joe, you keep doing things that you want to do at the pace you want it at. I'm happy to wait for anything because I appreciate and respect you. Don't go burning yourself out or ruining your life just to appease a bunch of faceless whiners, it's not worth your time or effort. I enjoy your work and will continue to enjoy it and to hear your valid opinions on subjects. There may be haters out there, but we stand with you all the way man.

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