Wednesday 29 June 2016

Quick AoS Update

So to just throw in my original Skaven plan, to have my themed army is still a long way off. In the meantime, I do have a back-up plan. Adding more Skaven over time will happen, but that may end up still being some time due to my financial situation. However, I do have some Chaos hanging around and by Chaos, I mean Tzeentch. See, I did start working on a Tzeentch themed force, but never got around to it. As such, I have some based painted Chaos Warriors, a box of Horrors and a Chaos Lord conversion that I never finished. With some new bases, I can work on these on the side to build up a usable force should I ever need to play a game.

That said, don't expect Pink Horrors, but more on the lines of 'what the hell type of paint scheme is that' Horrors. I just want to paint theme in just a fun way then in an accurate way. That way I can do one here or there in between my Malifaux models (Got one Coryphee done today and nearly finished the Viktoria of Blood).

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