Tuesday 14 June 2016

Skaven crew thought

Ah Skryre, what will I do with you.

So the whole Cohort of Doom thing will be much further off then I had originally thought, but I can still do a small force to game with. I should have the Warlord done by the end of the week and will have at least one ten rat strong clanrat group along with a poisoned wind mortar team as well. This is because their base painting was done prior to the End Times and I just stopped working on them after that. I do have a few more clanrats, but I don't have the bases. I am going through my 8th edition crew to see what was never used and see if I can re-base those miniatures. If I was never going to use them in my force, then I can use them now.

Due to my incredible, non-existent cash flow, I probably won't be gathering a huge number of models in the future. My guess is apart from Skryre Acolytes and weapon teams, not much else is foreseeable. If they do produce a Skryre book in the future I'll probably grab it and see where the force will proceed from that point.

That said, I do have some Tzeentch themed Chaos I can do here and there. In particular, I have some Horror, which I want to paint up in a bizarre array of colours and patterns just for fun, but they could also be used in a game if needed.

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