Wednesday 8 June 2016

Future Skaven Projects?

So that last post had me doing a Skaven Warlord in an Age of Sigmar style, so one might be asking then: "If you did one in an AoS style, why don't you do a group and stop bitching hating AoS".

Firstly, your a very rude person and that was mean to say, secondly I never said I hated Age of Sigmar. I am very angry about the End Times and feel betrayed, plus the lack of lore for everyone is difficult to makes it harder to get into, but that shouldn't prevent me for still playing a game. Malifaux is still my main game, but the thing is that there are very few places to play games and sadly my only opponent really is my brother, who has to travel a fair distance just for a game or two. As such, I have to consider an alternative option for games. My local store is run by a guy who has worked for the company for years and is someone I trust to ensure things can go smoothly. I want to have a game here and there and sadly, I just can't get many Malifaux.

So I have to look to an alternative option and that just leaves Age of Sigmar. This is simply because not many miniature games can grab me (not even 40K) and at least with AoS I can still play Skaven. After discussing the situation with my GW store guy, I have chosen to keep my current based Skaven as square/rectangle to keep playing classic with my bro's High Elves. As such, I'll need to build a Chaos: Grand Alliance from scratch.

I do already possess a number of miniatures in that regard and am willing to re-base a few of my Chaos miniatures for this purpose. I still want to focus on a Skryre themed group, though throwing a few Tzeentch allies would fit the storyline I was running with. As for the Skryre theme, I got to look at the formation that it involved and I have some views on it.

The Cohort of Doom would let me theme my force better. First off, Forgemaster Skith Warpclaw would be the Arch-Warlock and that I could theme each of the Trio of Terror as leaders of their own Enginecovens. Snikkitch could lead the Gascloud Chokelung (the poisoned globe group, he's dedicated his art to true treachery through gas), Gnithnik would lead the Arkhspark Voltik (he was associated with the warp-lightning cannon) or the Rattlegauge Warplock (cause he was also a gun nut) and Snikkotto is obviously the Whyrlblade Treshik (cause he loves the wheels). As to why these characters are still alive, that much I've already worked out and I'll explain at a later date.

Of course, this is still a long way off. While I can use my old miniatures, though I admit, I was pressured to re-base them. I guess with the cannon and doomwheel I could set up maybe a special pinning or magnet spot to help switch bases for games, but that would still take some planning to pull off (though cheaper then buying new models). What I do need to get even two of these Enginecovens is at least one-to-three boxes of Stormfiends. I want to equip one to represent each of the Trio of Terror (so Windlaunchers for Snikkitch, Ratling Cannons for Gnithnik and Doomflayer Gauntlets for Snikkotto). At $99 for a single box, getting enough just to complete all three Enginecovens is a long way off. This wouldn't be too much of a problem except that Stormfiends are a minimum of three in a unit and so I'd need a box for each one where as if it was a minimum of one per unit it would have been better. As to which two that will be the first, it will be the lightning cannon and poisoned wind ones, as that will be the best ones for me to start off. The Acolytes (Globadiers) are ones I can get here and there and I do still have a free mortar to use.

Still need some Warlock Engineers to represent the three and that means more conversions. I guess in time we'll get new Skryre stuff (each faction seems to be getting focus on set realms, like Nurgle, Clan Pestilens and Forest Spirits in the Realm of Life) so my guess is that they may get a book, a new contraption or two and a new Warlock Engineer.

Again, Malifaux is my main game and Skaven/AoE is a side project to it.

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