Wednesday 29 June 2016

New Gremlin Master Revealed

So Wyrd finally revealed the Gremlin Master: Zipp the Sky Pirate.

So who is Zipp? We know little apart from Zipp being Captain of the Sky Pirates and he owns an airship. Beyond that we'll have to wait for the books release.

Rule wise he is very interesting. He seems to have a good set of stats and keeping Masks for his defense means he can get out of combat. Flight obviously has the advantage on tables with various height terrain and I can assume his crew may also have a similar rule, making it more interesting if your opponent has characters with a similar ability (rooftop battles, here we come).

What is more interesting is that he counts as being Insignificant, so not only is he unable to drop scheme markers, but that also makes him ineligible to take certain schemes and strategies. This could be seen as a bad thing, but given his movement speed, it certainly seems to be more of a balancing adjustment. This is somewhat made up thanks to his Constant Yammering ability, which forces opponents withing six inches to discard two cards or they cannot perform Interact Actions. So while he himself cannot perform such actions, he can also stop his opponents from doing the same. Can see this guy would be useful against a Colette crew with the right models in his own.

Can't wait to see his crew box, plus he will probably be the third Master for my Gremlins.

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