Friday 3 June 2016

June Projects Update

So I'm just going to keep this one brief. I haven't been to active on these as of late, but I'm hoping the cooler weather will make it easier to focus on painting.


Will get some Gremlins pics up next week. Working on the Coryphee's at the moment. Still not sure which set of miniatures I'll do after that.


I've got a number of miniatures to use for the project, which are as follows:

1 Assassin with Fighting Claws
1 Sorcerer
1 Black Skaven with Halberd, Light Armor and Helmet (Stormvermin Model)
5 (around that - could be more) Verminkin with assorted gear (Clanrat Models)
2-3 Giant Rats
1 Rat Ogre

I'm not sure how it all works so I'm just making this group more for show then anything else.

Skaven (Fantasy/AoS)

Watch this space....


Got a number of plans, but still not ready to release details just yet (want to be certain that I have everything and to be confident that they can go ahead).

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