Thursday 27 July 2017

I had a quick look at Infinity

So been feeling bad lately and the delay in my long awaited Banjonistas is only made worse with my frustration in not getting more work done. I need a change of pace, something different to distract so I can refocus and come back into it. That came this week when, while getting an update on the Banjonistas, I was looking over the model ranges there and decided to look at the Infinity range. The name PanOceania caught my eye and so decided to look it up. The name Australia came up and I decided to go deeper in.

I must admit, having had a brief glance over the full rules, the game looks overly complicated. I must admit, I play games to have fun and there rules look like I'd spend more time having to go back and re-read them in a game then actually playing the game. Trust me, Warhammer Fantasy 8th Ed had the same issues for me as I constantly kept forgetting the cannon rules (much to my opponents dismay). Lucky there are quick rules that help reduce the problems and help give a more simple over view of the game and if I ever do play, mastering them will be a must before I get into the finer details such as hacking. From battle report videos I've seen, it sounds mixed to me. Even Ash from Guerrilla Miniature Games made a smaller game mode called Recon, citing that a number of those who played the game didn't last long and felt that perhaps a smaller game type would be better suited. In my case, I agree as that would suite me better.

It's a rather large game, with 300 points being the norm. I must admit that I'm not sure if I'm ready to start focusing on building an army, focusing on points and army building again. At the moment I am just wanting to paint up a small collection of miniatures that could be used as a legal force, though it may be around the 200 point mark for the most part. Hell, the whole PanOceania force is actually based around the Corporate Executive model, which is just a objective marker for certain games. The idea of a guy with a briefcase who's hired his own personal military force for missions just seems something I'd like to do.

That's not to say I'm not looking at other miniatures in the range. The mercenaries have some cool looking ones, were as the cat Daktari and the Chimera and the Pupniks are somewhat strange, but given I haven't painted a lot of animal patterns, it would be a good chance to try some schemes out (accuracy to the painted examples not needed for them). I will probably do a number of PanOceania and then do a few pick and paint ones here and there over time.

As for that game, the lore seems alright and the game does look interesting enough. Perhaps I'll look more into it later.

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