Sunday 2 July 2017

Update Problems

I must apologise for the lack of updates. It's not for a lack of them, but rather my mental health has not been the best as of late. I do have some things I want to write about and I had hoped to get some up this weekend, but it looks like it hasn't worked out. I really want to avoid negative topics here, but I also feel the need to explain when the gap between updates gets too big. I will attempt to get more up over the next few weeks to make up for it (with at least one coming tomorrow). Beyond that I won't try and promise much more as that always seems to bite me in the rear thanks to my blasted health. Still, stay tuned as I will have more soon (looking at more positive topics to talk about, which is always a good thing).

Well, things got worse, but I would rather not talk about it. Instead, as I've been going through some of the pages on this blog, it occurred to me that I've done nothing with the whole '5/10 Favourite' lists section (only the Skaven Clans one was done and since the old world is gone, I suspect a number of those clans are gone too, making it a little out of date). As such, I am considering doing a few lists on things like movies, games, shows and animations that I have enjoyed or inspired me. Sure every one does it, so why can't I. They will be short and I will avoid doing lists involving things I don't like (though things I like and everyone else hates could be done). 

I'm also trying to figure out how to word a number of articles I want to post, like those of my Thoughts on Character Creation series and of my own Character Profiles. I feel that the ones I've made in the past are not the most intellectual of articles (though I admit, I'm no good with words, but I do at least try to improve that) and I may make them hidden for the time being (the character ones more so as I am at odds as for what to write and getting some poor sketches up as placements so I can commission someone to do a more professional character art of them). I plan to make them able to be viewed once I am satisfied with the final piece, but as always I am open to suggestions. Probably should re-work the miniatures section too, perhaps rename it to hobbies as well.

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