Sunday 18 June 2017

June Updates - The Twist

So I now have the Mousling Assassin and the Viktoria's box set crew done and while I still have Vanessa and Aionus still to do to finish off all the Outcast models (until I get more later on anyway, been looking at getting Big Jake), I have focused my attention on dealing with another thing I've been holding off, the Colette crew bases. I did the ones for the Coryphee/Coryphee Duet along with two additional bases, however, I never did get around to finishing bases for the rest of the crew.

Well, I've done building them and damn do my hands hurt. The amount of pressure I need to place on both blade and pin to make them has left my hands in quite a bit of pain, but it means I can now focus on the painting part. My only problem is that I don't remember what I actually did to get the nice wood effect I got on those first bases. Still, if I can pull it off, I can finally get down to working on my Colette crew cause I really want to try them out.

Probably work on the Mousling Thief in between as I can't do much more for some other projects, mostly cause I need more bases.

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