Thursday 1 June 2017

Building an AoS Skirmish Crew

So been looking at the list of available units and their renown costs. Gotta say, Death and Destruction factions got ripped off badly in this. As it stands, having a Moonclan Grots theme isn't really possible when they are just the basic Grot unit for them and the Death faction fairs no better if you wanted any Bats or Tomb Kings. I bring that last part up cause as I mentioned in the last post I did, I pointed out how GW said they would continue supporting those non-production lines in their FAQs, but obviously that isn't the case. Probably more disappointed that they missed supporting the Skeleton Archers, Bats and even the Squigs. How do you not add Squigs?

Despite my rage at this, I was considering using this game to tell the story of the awakening of my Death faction. I admit that the introduction would definitely put me on the back leg as I would have to have Queen Judith as the hero and being a Necromancer, that takes up nearly all of the points in a 25 Renown game. Going through my remaining models, that means either 2 Zombies or 1 Zombie and 1 Skeleton Warrior for the first match and given how the story starts, the 2 Zombie option would be more appropriate (I'll try to get the introduction story up soon). As it goes on, I still have around six Skeleton Warriors to use, but at some point I would reach the point when she would be able to awaken her husband King Nicholas (who is only slightly more expensive then the Queen). Still don't have enough models to build a full 100 renown point crew, but perhaps I'll just have to use stand in models until I can get more.

Also, I do have enough models (old bases and new) to run full crews for Chaos and Order, just preferring to focus on Death at the moment. The only exception to this is I may work on two Rat Ogres I have laying around, a few Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch that are here and there, but mostly slowly working on my Horrors of Tzeentch which I am painting in all sorts of random colours and patterns which are just meant as part of my distressing treatment (and not having to focus on fine detail can really help as you really don't have to care about the outcome and it really can help at times).

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