Sunday 11 June 2017

Hooray! More Uploads

So got a few more projects done and dusted, so here they are:

Age of Sigmar Rat-Ogres: Here

McTavish and his Gators: Here

Bartholomew & Miranda: Here

The shots are taken more with flash this time. This was due to both it being overcast and because I've had trouble with lighting.

I might also expand on my original characters of Bartholomew and Miranda in the future(the Bat ones these Vampires were based on), though it all depends on what kind of art I can get and if I can commission someone to help me create a proper image to display those two characters. I prefer to set up character profiles with pictures to help give them more life (though that reminds me, I really need to update the Skith Warpclaw and Zargooran ones).

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