Thursday 1 June 2017

Looking into Short Film Making

So a question was thrown at me recently, to come up with two ideas for videos to make. While I have some idea of what I want to experiment with, I honestly don't have the resources to attempt making them. I started with those ideas last year, but with all that has happened this year, most were abandoned.

But soon after thinking about it, I did come up with an idea, though one I'm not sure if I feel comfortable to make. It's a short film with a mix of random shots and planned ones, liked together with a voice over. The voice is the inner one of depression. While I'm sure it's been done to death already, I would like to give it a shot, but I don't feel comfortable putting it out there publicly when it's done. The reason being is that it might be too depressing or even feel off and I don't want to create things that make people feel worse. I'd like to create positive things that would inspire people, not things that make people feel negative.

I don't know, it's still in the early stages so anything could happen at this point, but I would still like to attempt doing a short film.

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