Tuesday 6 June 2017

June/July Project Plans

So we'll start with non-miniature projects. I know I should get back into photography, but I might try getting better with filming with the camera over photos, but who knows. I was going to practice with short film work, but given my course is ending and with it, the student cost for the Adobe package, that's out as I can't afford to pay that kind of costs. I am looking at moving onto the Bachelor program for study, but there are still a few more conversations needed before a final decision is made.

Miniature wise, I'm just about finished doing both Vampires, two Rat Ogres and McTavish and the Gators (the later I've given up on, just doing the same mud effect around the bases and touching up the paints with some washes and dry brushing. Given up on trying to fix the water effects). All these should be up over the next week.

Next will be trying to finish the Outcast models. Some got damaged recently, so nows the time to fix and finish. Still have Vanessa, 2 Ronin and Aionus (again, the later I've given up on his base and will just finish painting him). Once they are done, I'll upload the Outcast crew. I also still have two mouslings that are WiP, along with possibly working on the Skeleton Horse Archers and re-basing the two AoS Skaven weapons teams I did (their bases were the large ones instead of the smaller cavalry ones). Will also do up some of the old Skeleton Warrior left overs to add to the Death faction for AoS: Skirmish. There may be more, but I'm still not sure what's going on at the moment, so I think this will do for now.

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