Sunday 30 July 2017

Thoughts On: Crash Bandicoot's Return

Before I start off, I will admit that I have never played a Crash game beyond a few minutes of the original when I was younger. Beyond that, all I know about Crash is from Youtube videos.

But yeah, Crash got the ultimate remastering in the form of the N Sane Trilogy and from what I've seen and heard, it's amazing. I guess my only complaint is that I don't own a PS4 so I can't play it. However, it's return has shown that the Bandicoot has not been forgotten, but that people really want to see these style of games return. The problem with the Crash franchise is that no one really knew how to keep to the Crash formula while creating an exciting new experience. The stories were a bit all over the place and few actually liked the re-design from the last two games (that said the changes to Dr Nitrus Brio, his personality which really shines in Mind over Mutants, were kept for this game and I like that).

The point is, this is just what Crash needed to get back in the game and I do hope they can craft a whole new series that stays loyal to the original trilogy, because these types of games need to make a comeback. There certainly is a market for it and the fact that sales are good means people do want games like this. It's certainly games like this one that I'd love to play.

Now if I could just get my hands on it.....

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