Saturday 29 July 2017

Opinionated View on Video Game Scoring

So I recently saw a few gamer reviews for games in which they either complained about a game, but gave it a positive score or praised the game before rating it poorly. What I found funny about it was that some people who read the reviews complained about why did they give it that score if they did/didn't like the game.

For me, this was a rather nice way at looking at my view of the scoring system. A lot of complaints about when people score a game is that it is either poorly scored, such as when a really bad game gets a great score by a major game reviewing company (and thus, people wonder if the reviewer was 'influenced' by the game company to give a positive review) or when someone gives a great review, but the score isn't a 9 or 10 and thus the fan base blows up and the reviewer is accused of hating the game when the review states otherwise. For me, adding a score (be it number or percentage) means people tend to skip over the review and base their decision on the score. Heck, the industry now has a problem that if a 9 or 10 isn't scored then the game is considered to be terrible and in the case like above and if a popular game doesn't get that score, the fan base for that game goes into a meltdown. As a result, we now see troll reviews where they will find terrible games and explain how bad the game is in detail, but give it a positive score.

I would love to have the whole scoring system scrapped as I prefer a review to go through the positives and negatives of a game, with commentary on the personal preferences of the reviewer (so if they say, don't like fantasy settings much, that they inform their viewers so at certain points they can explain why that hated that point). If they want to throw in a score gag then go ahead, just so long as it's sort of a running gag (so perhaps use items from the game instead of numbers as an example). I guess this is why I prefer some reviewers who do online videos as they tend not to use scores, but also tend to explain in details some aspects that they felt they did/didn't like, but others may have an opposite view on (so say, they felt one aspect they didn't like, but others might actually enjoy). Because of that, you can tend to get a better feel if a game is right for you.

I doubt it'll happen though, people enjoy the rage too much.

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