Wednesday 27 September 2017

Mr Sanderstone's First Project

So I've begun work on the first of a series of incredibly dumb ideas I have for Mr Sanderstone. Given I don't have a good video recording camera (my DSLR camera needs an upgrade as I've noticed it has some problems with what it actually focuses on.....that or it's just me....which is a possibility), I have no real idea how it will turn out.

I have the recorded footage, gone to for some music and now all I have to do is the editing. Problem is that Total War: Warhammer 2 is coming out and to top it all off the next few days will be a terrible heat wave, so I have no idea as to how long it'll take. That said, the first one will be silly commentary on reaction videos, but I am looking to do a series of political election parody as Mr Sanderstone runs for parliament. As stupid as these are, they are meant more to help bring my recording and editing skills back up to scratch.

I also learned from doing this that I can't actually use footage from Parliament Question Time. Despite our laws regarding the use of footage for parody/comedy, Question Time actually states you can't use its footage for it. I have no idea why, as it is by far one of the most pointless things the Government does (and so easy a target for comedy). Someone asks a question and the response is to avoid answering it, say how great your side is and blame the opposition for something that happened in the past.

Then again, it is called Question Time, not Question and Answer Time, so maybe they take its name too literally.

Update: So the footage I had of the political speech was corrupted (thanks mostly due to the poor streaming capabilities of Australian Internet), but was able to find segments of the conference speech. While it didn't have the part I wanted to use, I was able to find another part that would work well. On another note, the phrase 'Queensland produces most of the gas on the East Coast' has led me to film another scene as a bit of a joke and will be a separate video. There is no time frame as to when they will be done, due mostly to my poor motivation.

Update 2: So one of the problems I'm encountering is that on the moments I get motivated and start working on it, I have problems with the software. See, I can't actually afford Adobe After Effects at the moment (the program I've actually been trained to use) and instead have to rely on Hitfilm Express. The problem is that there are times when either effects refuse to work on imported footage with sound has issues syncing the sound with the footage and due to the way Hitfilm works, I have issues manually fixing it up (the original footage is fine, but when it is imported the sound becomes out of sync with the footage). As such, problems like this are frustrating and I very demotivating.

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