Wednesday 20 September 2017

The Hunt for Crocadoo

So as part of doing Animated Reflections, I have to try and remember every animated show/movie I have ever seen and then look them up for watching and reviewing (though if they have a current DVD release, that would be so much better). Unfortunately, time never favours those who reflect and this is an excellent example as to why. I did recently stumble upon a series of show introductions and found one for Crocadoo, an Australian cartoon series that was on Channel 9 back in the 90's. Looking for the episodes to review however has become a massive pain.

See, apart from the first episode, the rest simply don't exist. Well, when I say that, they do appear to be available online, but for some reason one channel on Youtube has about ten of them but they are locked from my country and the series seems to be on a paid subscription site called Oznoz, which is apparently an American site with a bunch of Australian content which appears to be locked from every other country (except America), including Australia. You can imagine my irritation that as an Australian, I can't even review Australian shows cause they are locked off from my own damn country. Seriously, this just comes off as completely ridiculous.

To make matters more confusing, the only two other main pieces of information I could find on the series was a lawsuit from someone (who was a writer on the 1992 Blinky Bill movie) who had apparently had a contract that if the show got picked up then he'd be the sole writer on it and he had a hand in creating the concepts for the show? I'm not sure on what the details were exactly, but there was a lawsuit and given where some of the funding for shows comes from, there is a 2002 document in which a representative for the minister from the arts was asked about it in regards to it as a fraud case. Beyond that, I'm completely stumped as to what happened after that as I am unable to find the results of that lawsuit beyond seeing if I could obtain the legal documents and I am not going that far (Why write the article about the case and never follow up article on the results?). Another site says the trademark for it has lapsed and apart from some wiki text, all I have to go on is the first episode.

I do remember that the series did alter from season 1 to season 2, much like Blazing Dragons did, but what all the differences are I couldn't say (beyond cutting out some of the background Crocodiles I think). I do wonder if any of this stuff is even archived is some film and entertainment library, but given I can't find anything on that, I feel not having such a thing is a real disappointment.

A shame really, but what can you do?

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