Monday 4 September 2017

Project Update - Now To End 2017

Normally I would do a monthly log to state what projects I'm attempting to work on or what is at least planned to be work on for that month. I am temporarily changing that structure for the rest of the year.

I have posted a few apology posts explaining lack of updates or uploads and this is mostly due to my Depression/Anxiety (a.k.a Mental Illness). It has been bad for the last few years, but as of this year it has gotten worse. The last few months alone has seen my health go down hill further and as of last week, a nasty incident occurred that has thrown it completely. I won't talk about it, but the next few weeks will require some time to cope.

As such, this is how the structure will go for the time being:


They will be painted and uploaded as my health permits. I will probably take more time doing them, but it is part of my therapy. You may also noticed the poor quality shots I've had lately and I am still working on it, but it would appear I may need to go back to Photoshop as the free level software just isn't cutting it for me. That said, I do have some done and the main focus so far is the slow building of an Underworld Blood Bowl team.


I honestly don't see myself getting much done in this area, but if the opportunity and mood match up then I'll edit and upload them.

Animated Reflections:

So this one is another one of those things I'm working on as part of my treatment, so I do want to focus some time on it. That said, I want to set a limited of one every two weeks (so if they come out sooner then it's a bonus). Due to my limited ability to focus when typing, it does tend to take me a few days to write it (which I feel is disappointing given how short they are) and then there are the screen shots that also need to be done. I'm almost finish working on the Bucky O'Hare one, so that should be up soon.

Other Projects:

The Mr Sanderstone creation project was just completed, though modifications are still to be considered. From there, there is another project that is suppose to come after, though when it gets done is anyone's guess. There will be others, but most are on hold at the moment.


I need to replace the background and banner. That much has been needing to be done for some time now, so that should also be done within the next few months.

That is all I will add at this point in time. Perhaps in the next few weeks I'll get more clarity, but until then most things are up in the air. I'm sorry that this has happened, but with luck I can get through this and produce better content as a result.

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